Creating a Customer
Customers are very crucial for any business to be successful. These relationships are critical and it's very easy to manage these within Pegasys! There are many ways to enter a business in Pegasys throughout the application to keep you in flow. From the Business page Click on Businesses on the top navigation bar to get to the Business page. Click on the Create button in the top right corner. Select Customer at the top of the form. Fill in the business form. ClickSome readersCreating a Vendor
Vendors in Pegasys can be considered to be Carriers, Owner Operators, Brokers, Fuel Vendors. Any third party that is moving freight for you or an outside party that you are required to pay. These relationships are critical and it's very easy to manage these within Pegasys! There are many ways to enter a business in Pegasys throughout the application to keep you in flow. From the Business page Click on Businesses on the top navigation bar to get to the Business page. Click on the *Few readersCreating an owner operator
Creating an Owner Operator in Pegasys is the same as creating a vendor. An owner operator is an independent business that is contracted out to move freight for you! From the Business page Click on Businesses on the top navigation bar to get the Business list. Click on the Create button in the top right corner. Select Vendor at the top of the form. Fill in the business form. Click Create. From the top navigation bar Click the + button on the top naFew readersCreating a Contact
Each business can have multiple contacts for various different purposes. For example, a main billing or shipping contact requesting freight movement or a rep when you're dispatching your shipments to a third party carrier. There are many ways to enter a business in Pegasys throughout the application to keep you in flow. From the Business page Open the Business record that you would like to associate the contact with. Click on the Create button beneath the contact list. Fill inFew readersEditing a Contact
Sometimes you will need to modify the details of an existing contact. From the Contact list Open the Business record that the contact is associated with. Click the dropdown arrow beside the contact you would like to modify. Click Edit. Change the details. Click Save. From the Contact record Open the Business record that the contact is associated with. Click the Open beside the contact you would like to modify. Click Edit. Change the detaiFew readersDeleting a Contact
Deleting a contact can only be done through the associated business record within Pegasys. This may occur when the contact is no longer working for the business that has a working relationship with you, or due to a personnel change. From the Contact list Open the Business record that the contact is associated with. Click the dropdown arrow beside the contact you would like to modify. Click Delete. From the Contact record Open the Business record that the contact isFew readersDeleting a Customer
Deleting a Customer Customers can be deleted in one of two ways: with the arrow next to the 'Open' button of that record, or from within the record itself. Start by navigating to the 'Business' page via the navigation bar. The first way is to tap the arrow icon located next to the 'Open' button of the record you would like to delete. Then, click 'Delete' on the drop-down menu, and confirm by pressing 'Delete' again on the pop-up. ( readersEditing a Vendor
Editing a Vendor Vendor information can be edited by tapping the arrow icon alongside the 'Open' button of the record, and then selecting 'Edit' Edits can also be made by clicking the 'Open' button of the customer or vendor record, then tapping the 'Edit' option in the top right of the page. Once all edits have been made, press the 'Save' button. (httpFew readersEditing a Customer
Editing a Customer Edits can be made with the 'Open' button, or with the arrow icon located beside it. Customer information can be edited by tapping the arrow icon alongside the 'Open' button of the record, and then selecting 'Edit' Edits can also be made by clicking the 'Open' button of the customer record, then tapping the 'Edit' option in the top right of the page. ( readersDeleting a Vendor
Deleting a Vendor There are two ways to go about this: one is to use the arrow alongside the 'Open' button, and the other is to delete from within the record. The first method is to tap the arrow icon located next to the 'Open' button of the record you would like to delete. Then, click 'Delete' on the drop-down menu, and confirm by pressing 'Delete' again on the pop-up. This can also be done by pressing the 'Open' button next to the record, and tapping 'More', which is located at the topFew readersManaging Customer Credit Limits
Credit Limit warnings are displayed when adding or editing revenue lines within the system as long as the credit limit on the given system is set to above 0. However, to enforce credit limits and ensure that personnel are not going over the limit it is essential to go through Company Settings and enable this functionality. Enabling Customer Limit Restrictions Click the Gears along the top navigation bar (top-right) Click Company Settings Navigate to Shipment SettingsFew readers