Creating a Customer
Customers are very crucial for any business to be successful. These relationships are critical and it's very easy to manage these within Pegasys! There are many ways to enter a business in Pegasys throughout the application to keep you in flow.
From the Business page
Click on Businesses on the top navigation bar to get to the Business page.
Click on the Create button in the top right corner.
Select Customer at the top of the form.
Fill in the business form.
Click Create.
From the top navigation bar
Click the + button on the top navigation bar from anywhere within the application.
Select Customer at the top of the form.
Fill in the business form.
Click Create.
From a Customer/Business dropdown
Customers dropdowns appear throughout the application. For example, when you are adding a customer to a shipment. You can quickly create customers on the fly without breaking your flow.
Type the name of the new customer into the input box and press enter OR click Create Customer. Alternatively, click the + button beside the location dropdown.
If you are entering from a Customer dropdown then the Customer toggle will automatically be selected.
Fill in the business form.
Click Create.
You will be returned to your form with the new customer preselected.
Your new customer record will be accessible throughout the application and appear under your Business List on the Business page. Remember in Pegasys your customers can also be marked as a vendor so you have one central place to manage your relationship.
Customer Fields
Name - The Legal name of the Business record.
Display Name - The name that is used throughout Pegasys to identify the customer. This is a great way to manage a customer that works in multiple currencies.
Currency - The currency that you will be invoicing your customer in. If you invoice the customer in more than one currency then you will need to create a copy of the customer with a different display name. You can manage your available currencies within Company Settings.
Payment Method - For record keeping purposes. How you plan on collecting payment from your customer.
POD - For record keeping purposes. If proof of delivery is required to invoice the customer.
Account Rep - The employee that is responsible for managing the relationship with this customer.
Sales Rep - The default sales rep that in charge of selling to the customer. This can be swapped when creating shipments for the customer.
Reference Number - If a Reference Number is required to create shipments for the customer. Additional reference number warnings can be configured with Company Setting > Shipment Settings.
Email - The business email for the customer. You can add additional emails after your customers has been created within the contacts section. To manage your default email address when you send out invoices go to: Company Settings > Document Settings > Invoice > Invoice To Email Address
Primary Phone - the main phone number for the customer. You can add additional phone numbers after your customer has been created within the contacts section.
Secondary Phone - The secondary phone number for the customer. You can add additional phone numbers after the customer has been created within the contacts section.
Fax - The Fax number for the customer.
Website - The website for the customer.
Credit Agreed - Toggle for record keeping purposes
Credit Locked - Toggle for record keeping purposes
AR Terms - The default AR Terms that will appear on your invoices going out to this customer.
Credit Limit - This limit if configured over 0 will appear as a warning when creating revenue items for this customer.;
Discount Percentage - This percentage will appear by default on all shipment records for this customer. This will only work if you also set a Discount Revenue Item
Discount Revenue Item - The revenue item that your discount will be created with.
Address - The street physical address of the business.
City - The physical city of the business.
State/Province - The physical State/Province of the business. This field will become free-form if a country is selected outside of Canada/United States.
ZIP/Postal Code - The ZIP (United States) or Postal Code (Canada) of the business.
Country - This is a drop-down of all countries that are supported by Pegasys
Same As Address - When toggled off you can selected a separate billing address. This will appear on your Invoices outbound.
Billing Address - The street billing address of the business.
Billing City - The billing city of the business.
Billing State/Province - The billing State/Province of the business. This field will become free-form if a country is selected outside of Canada/United States.
Billing ZIP/Postal Code - The billing ZIP (United States) or Postal Code (Canada) of the business.
Billing Country - This is a drop-down of all countries that are supported by Pegasys
From the Business page
Click on Businesses on the top navigation bar to get to the Business page.
Click on the Create button in the top right corner.
Select Customer at the top of the form.
Fill in the business form.
Click Create.
From the top navigation bar
Click the + button on the top navigation bar from anywhere within the application.
Select Customer at the top of the form.
Fill in the business form.
Click Create.
From a Customer/Business dropdown
Customers dropdowns appear throughout the application. For example, when you are adding a customer to a shipment. You can quickly create customers on the fly without breaking your flow.
Type the name of the new customer into the input box and press enter OR click Create Customer. Alternatively, click the + button beside the location dropdown.
If you are entering from a Customer dropdown then the Customer toggle will automatically be selected.
Fill in the business form.
Click Create.
You will be returned to your form with the new customer preselected.
Your new customer record will be accessible throughout the application and appear under your Business List on the Business page. Remember in Pegasys your customers can also be marked as a vendor so you have one central place to manage your relationship.
Customer Fields
Name - The Legal name of the Business record.
Display Name - The name that is used throughout Pegasys to identify the customer. This is a great way to manage a customer that works in multiple currencies.
Currency - The currency that you will be invoicing your customer in. If you invoice the customer in more than one currency then you will need to create a copy of the customer with a different display name. You can manage your available currencies within Company Settings.
Payment Method - For record keeping purposes. How you plan on collecting payment from your customer.
POD - For record keeping purposes. If proof of delivery is required to invoice the customer.
Account Rep - The employee that is responsible for managing the relationship with this customer.
Sales Rep - The default sales rep that in charge of selling to the customer. This can be swapped when creating shipments for the customer.
Reference Number - If a Reference Number is required to create shipments for the customer. Additional reference number warnings can be configured with Company Setting > Shipment Settings.
Email - The business email for the customer. You can add additional emails after your customers has been created within the contacts section. To manage your default email address when you send out invoices go to: Company Settings > Document Settings > Invoice > Invoice To Email Address
Primary Phone - the main phone number for the customer. You can add additional phone numbers after your customer has been created within the contacts section.
Secondary Phone - The secondary phone number for the customer. You can add additional phone numbers after the customer has been created within the contacts section.
Fax - The Fax number for the customer.
Website - The website for the customer.
Credit Agreed - Toggle for record keeping purposes
Credit Locked - Toggle for record keeping purposes
AR Terms - The default AR Terms that will appear on your invoices going out to this customer.
Credit Limit - This limit if configured over 0 will appear as a warning when creating revenue items for this customer.;
Discount Percentage - This percentage will appear by default on all shipment records for this customer. This will only work if you also set a Discount Revenue Item
Discount Revenue Item - The revenue item that your discount will be created with.
Address - The street physical address of the business.
City - The physical city of the business.
State/Province - The physical State/Province of the business. This field will become free-form if a country is selected outside of Canada/United States.
ZIP/Postal Code - The ZIP (United States) or Postal Code (Canada) of the business.
Country - This is a drop-down of all countries that are supported by Pegasys
Same As Address - When toggled off you can selected a separate billing address. This will appear on your Invoices outbound.
Billing Address - The street billing address of the business.
Billing City - The billing city of the business.
Billing State/Province - The billing State/Province of the business. This field will become free-form if a country is selected outside of Canada/United States.
Billing ZIP/Postal Code - The billing ZIP (United States) or Postal Code (Canada) of the business.
Billing Country - This is a drop-down of all countries that are supported by Pegasys
Updated on: 01/01/2021
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