Searching Pegasys
Searching Pegasys is super simple you have an array of options. The platform is always learning from your activity and trying to bring forth results that matter most!
You can access a quick search from within the nav. Just start typing and it will automatically start pulling the most relevant data. We promise it's super quick!
You can also use our filtering system within each list! You can setup a series of custom conditions and save them if you use them frequently. Don't forget about our export capabilities to drill into the nitty gritty with your favorite spreadsheet programs!
You can access a quick search from within the nav. Just start typing and it will automatically start pulling the most relevant data. We promise it's super quick!
You can also use our filtering system within each list! You can setup a series of custom conditions and save them if you use them frequently. Don't forget about our export capabilities to drill into the nitty gritty with your favorite spreadsheet programs!
Updated on: 12/11/2020
Thank you!