Copying a shipment
Quickly copying shipments can save you from a lot of data entry. This can be useful for Picks, Drops, Returns or new shipments for the same customer at a later time. During the Shipment creation process Complete your shipment form. (Optional) Add your revenue details. Some users will keep all revenue on one shipment; others will split based on commodity or trip. When your shipment details are entered for your first delivery, instead of clicking Finish click Copy. Your sFew readersCreating a multi-pick shipment
Your customers are asking you to pick up from two or more different locations and we want to get these shipments entered as quickly as possible. Later in the process we will have the ability to consolidate your shipments onto one dispatch or plan them for different trips. When it comes to invoicing, we can also throw all of these shipments AND other shipments into one batch. This is the Pegasys Advantage! During the Shipment creation process Complete your shipment form. (Optional) AddFew readersCreating a multi-drop shipment
Your customers are asking you to delivery to two or more different locations and we want to get these shipments entered as quickly as possible. Later in the process we will have the ability to consolidate your shipments onto one dispatch or plan them for different trips. When it comes to invoicing, we can also throw all of these shipments AND other shipments into one batch. This is the Pegasys Advantage! During the Shipment creation process Complete your shipment form. (Optional) AddFew readersCreating a return shipment
Your customer is asking you to deliver and return on two different legs and we want to get these shipments entered as quickly as possible. Later in the process we will have the ability to consolidate your shipments onto one dispatch or plan them for different trips. When it comes to invoicing, we can also throw all of these shipments AND other shipments into one batch. This is the Pegasys Advantage! During the Shipment creation process Complete your shipment form. (Optional) Add yourFew readers