Articles on: Shipments

Copying a shipment

Quickly copying shipments can save you from a lot of data entry. This can be useful for Picks, Drops, Returns or new shipments for the same customer at a later time.

During the Shipment creation process
Complete your shipment form.
(Optional) Add your revenue details. Some users will keep all revenue on one shipment; others will split based on commodity or trip.
When your shipment details are entered for your first delivery, instead of clicking Finish click Copy.
Your shipment details from the previous shipment will be copied across.
Repeat steps 1 - 5 for all Picks/Drops/Returns/Copies and click Finish.
Additionally, you have the option to copy your Notes and Revenue using the drop-down menus located in the bottom right.
All of your shipments are ready to be moved!

From an existing Shipments page
Click More.
Click Copy.
Click Copy.
Your shipment details from the previous shipment will be copied across.
Fill out the shipment form.
Additionally, you have the option to copy your Notes and Revenue using the drop-down menus located in the bottom right.
Click Copy Shipment.

From the Shipment button
The open button is very powerful for any record. You can access your record controls without leaving a page and keep yourself in the flow of your processes.

Click the dropdown arrow beside any shipment Open button.
Click Copy.
Click Copy.
Your shipment details from the previous shipment will be copied across.
Fill out the shipment form.
Additionally, you have the option to copy your Notes and Revenue using the drop-down menus located in the bottom right.
Click Copy Shipment.

Updated on: 01/01/2021

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